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VoixSanté Workshops

We are thrilled to be able to announce that after a successful summer series at the College of the Sequoias in Visalia, CA, the VoixSanté Workshops are ready to go on the road! We created a series of workshop topics that can be tailored to your specific needs - choose one, four, all of them, (or give us your ideas) and we will do our best to accommodate you.


Current VoixSanté workshop topics include:

  • Vocal Anatomy & Health

  • Vocal Technique in Singing

  • Audition & Performance Strategies

  • Vocal Pedagogy

  • Mentored Singer Masterclass

  • Mentored Teacher Masterclass 


We can do shorter or longer versions of any of these workshops (the longer the time, the more in-depth we go with the content), or create a multi-day ​workshop! 


Send us a message - let's sing!

Which Workshop is right for you?


Coming Soon!


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