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Let's work together! Please see the services we offer below. Don't see what you need? We are happy to put together a custom package or experience to suit your needs. For any of these options, please send us a message through our contact form, or contact us directly. We look forward to hearing from you!

Opera singer

Private Lessons

Private lessons provide personalized attention, accelerating learning by focusing on individual strengths and weaknesses. This tailored approach fosters understanding, boosts confidence, and provides the optimal environment for quicker progress. Private lessons are scheduled weekly.


** studio full **

please register to get on the waiting list

Children Singing in a Choir

Group Lessons

Group lessons offer collaborative learning in a positive environment. Engaging with peers fosters discussion, teamwork, and shared success! The social dynamic creates a supportive environment, boosting motivation and confidence. Group lessons are flexible based on the group, but may include theory, history, and instruments!


Starting at $125 (billed monthly)


Audition Prep

Weekly lessons are not always possible, but we can still help you prepare for an upcoming audition or performance. Customized to the needs of the student, we can help select music, polish the performance, and offer audition and performance tips and tricks. Lessons are booked by appointment only.


Starting at $60


VoixSanté Workshop Series

VoixSanté Workshops are geared specifically to four subject areas: Vocal Health & Anatomy, Vocal Technique in Singing, Performance/Audition Techniques, and Vocal Pedagogy. These are especially geared towards undergraduate students and current vocal music educators, however younger students and community members have found them valuable, as well! The VoixSanté Workshops can be customized based on your needs. We can provide short "TedTalk" length presentations, a 2-3 day intensive workshop, or dive deep in a semester-long course. 


Contact for a quote

Choir Singer


We love helping students and teachers learn in a "hands-on" learning environment. We are happy to provide 1:1 learning opportunities for singers in a traditional masterclass setting and work with vocal instructors in a mentored masterclass designed specifically for voice teachers. Lauren particularly enjoys working alongside new voice teachers, helping them craft their methods and tune their ears to notice (and fix!) the most common vocal technique issues. Are you a teacher stumped by a student, a new teacher not sure where to start? Let Lauren help!


Contact for a quote

Choir Performance

Choral Clinics

Working with choirs as a clinician is one of Lauren's favorite things to do! Group settings can make poor vocal technique hard to notice and even harder to fix. Without early intervention, poor vocal techniques easily become bad habits and can lead to vocal damage in just a few short months. Aside from helping your choir sound its absolute best, you can help students have a life full of singing by introducing healthy vocal technique in the choral classroom, early. 


Starting at $125/hr - Contact for a quote

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